Career Essentials Newsletter November 2005 - New Job Success Tips

[Career Essentials] Newsletter November 1, 2020 - New Job Success Tips


Welcome, loyal readers and new subscribers!

This is the first issue of my redesigned ezine. Ta -da! Let me know how you like it. Heartfelt thanks goes to my talented designer, David Moorhead in Texas!

October was filled with 2 fun weekends away. One in Sag Harbor with my good buddy Liz. And another at a friend's farm/winery in NJ. Here's a photo at Steve and Audrey's wonderful winery. I fell in love with their German Shepard Cody.

New Job Success Tips is this month's topic. What to do, and not do, in the first 30 days when you're working like crazy to prove yourself AND everybody's watching. Read on for helpful hints and recommended books.

Something exciting is coming. My loyal ezine readers will be the first to get a heads-up about it! Stay tuned...

Enjoy a vibrant November!

To Your Success,

Feature Article: New Job Success Tips

Are you in a new job and working like crazy to prove yourself? You’re learning new systems, meeting people, and trying like heck to impress your boss, all at the same time.

Stretching yourself this way can be exciting and overwhelming. It’s easy to forget that you are also creating the perception of who you are with your co-workers.

Here are tips to help you thrive and create a good impression within the first 30 indelible days:

Get face time with your boss - and don’t wait for him/her to come to you! Ask for time to discuss training, available resources and expectations.

Can you hear me? - Ask about your boss’s preferred communication method (email, phone, instant messaging, in-person, hollering across the office, etc.)

Button your lip - if a co-worker is less than cooperative. Whatever you do, don’t respond when you’re tired, angry or frustrated. Take a walk around the block or have another cup of java. You need to buy time to cool off and think clearly.

Use humor - and you can immediately defuse a potentially awkward situation. This will immediately raise your “likeability” factor.

Schedule lunch - to get to know them better (if it’s a peer or subordinate) and find how you can be helpful.

Really listen - so you can learn as much as you can. Don’t worry about trying to impress everybody with brilliant statements. Spend most of your time truly listening to people and finding out what you need to know, who has influence, who you can trust, etc.

Schedule hermit time at home - and limit socializing for the next few weeks. You’ll need quiet time to recharge.

Learning to build alliances and assimilating into the office culture are as important as demonstrating your expertise. Take a deep breath and remember that succeeding at work is also about the small, incremental steps you take each day to treat people with respect and care.

Recommended Reading

"How to Shine at Work”

by Linda Dominquez

"The First 90 Days: Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels”

by Michael Watkins

"Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office”

by Lois Frankel

About Dale:

Dale Kurow, M.S. is an author and a career and executive coach in NYC. She works with clients across the U.S. and internationally, helping them to become better managers, figure out their next career moves and thrive despite office politics. Click here for more information about her services.

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Copyright © 2002-2005 Dale R. Kurow. All rights reserved. You may copy or
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Graphic Designer David Moorhead