Career Essentials Newsletter April 2006 - Smart Career Moves Within Your Organization

[Career Essentials] Newsletter April 1, 2021 - Smart Career Moves Within Your Organization


Hello, loyal readers and new subscribers!

Two weeks ago I spotted the most gorgeous purple crocuses in Central Park and my heart sang. Can a field of daffodils be far behind? I’m grateful to witness the rebirth of life in the form of buds, flowers, birds nesting and the return of soft breezes.

I was fortunate to be invited to the opening of the New-York Historical Society’s Audubon Aviary exhibit. The New-York Historical Society (New York’s first museum) acquired 471 of John James Audubon’s original watercolors from his widow. Audubon was America’s foremost wildlife artist, and his life size watercolors of birds are breathtaking. If you are in New York City, I encourage you to visit this uplifting exhibit. Here’s a photo of yours truly and Louise Mirrer, President and CEO of the Society.

Speaking of wildlife, read on to find out how an encounter between a turtle and a gator was the inspiration for this month’s feature article, Smart Career Moves Within your Organization. Funny where you can find inspiration!

Finally, Bonnie Mincu, ADD coach extraordinaire, offers a one of a kind resource to help ADD adults thrive at work. If you suspect you have ADD, you owe it to yourself to read more in the recommended resource section below.

Wishing you April sunshine!

To Your Success,

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Smart Career Moves Within Your Organization

Recently, I was mesmerized by a photo of a turtle and a twelve-foot gator in close proximity in Loxachatchee, Florida. The gator had surfaced out of the water and all he wanted to do was sun himself. The turtle was absolutely frozen in place with fear of this huge gator. It took 20 minutes for the gator to make up his mind (gators have a brain the size of a walnut) and finally he turned, pushed the turtle to the side and lumbered onto the bank.

What’s the moral here?

Doing nothing can sometimes lead to disaster, or dumb luck can take over (in this case, a gator who was cold and not hungry) and you’re rescued from the brink.

How does this apply to your career, you might ask?

Well, it’s a graphic reminder that you need to have the skills to manage your career within your own organization.

Otherwise, you can end up either frozen in place or pushed to the side by more aggressive coworkers.

Taking it to the next logical step, by doing nothing, i.e. what I call “flying under the radar,” you risk getting fired. Which is the equivalent of turtle soup in the above example.

Does this sound familiar?

If it does, take heart.

Career management basics, especially inside your company, can be learned. What amazes me is how important a topic this is, and how little attention it gets from colleges and universities. Don’t get me started…

There are several key aspects to managing your career within an organization. Here they are, briefly:

  • Value and Worth - Are you clear on the value you bring to your company? Can you easy articulate where you add value (the skills, programs, ideas, and talent you offer)? Can you measure how your contributions have positively impacted your company’s bottom line? If you think only in terms of your compensation package, you need to retool your thinking pronto.
  • Flexibility - Where else in the organization might your talents be used? How indispensable have you made yourself by being a solution provider to others in the company? Have you taken advantage of any cross-training opportunities that your company provides?
  • Visibility - Are you an effective advocate for yourself? Whom are you connected with in your organization? Are the key players aware of you and your talents? Do professionals outside the company know of your achievements? Are you able to call upon contacts both in and outside the company for solutions, vendor recommendations and best practices?
  • Determination/Will - Do you have the drive and the willingness to pursue your career goals? Often this requires massive and continued action over the long haul.
  • Sustaining your Vision - Do you have a clear career plan for the future, whether inside or outside your company? Do you know where you see yourself in 2 years, 5 years? Are you taking the incremental steps today to make your vision a reality?
  • Support - Have you enlisted the help of your personal community of resources (friends, family, peers, and mentors/coaches?) to get the accountability, guidance and buy-in you’ll need to reach your goal?

If the above seems like a huge undertaking, start with penciling a career plan and sharing it with a trusted colleague.

Second, identify a person who has achieved what you seek and emulate that person. Study the road they’ve followed, learn from their mistakes, and gather information about the incremental steps that propelled them to success.

None of this happens overnight. The key here is to have a plan and to start. Time marches on regardless of whether you are working towards a goal or not. Wouldn’t it be a smart career move to make the most of your time?


Want help creating your career plan? You can navigate more effectively within your organization and put your career on track. I specialize in helping clients become more successful in or outside their organizations. Here’s what one satisfied client had to say:

“I first contacted Dale two years ago after being downsized for the first time after a successful 20-year career. Dale deftly coached me and today, I find myself more confident than ever with a sense of purpose and direction that I never had before. I now have rebounded with a great career opportunity. Thanks to Dale, I fully realize, for the first time, my true professional sense of self and value. All of us have a great story to tell about our work and our passion. Dale helped me unravel my story and learn how to tell it. I now see career coaching as career protection. Working under Dale’s tutelage is the best career protection I have ever had.” Jim A., Washington, D.C.

Recommended Resource

Bonnie Mincu, seasoned ADD coach, author and speaker, offers a one of a kind resource to help adults with ADD thrive in organizations. If you are challenged by tendencies to disorganization, procrastination, poor follow-through, inability to prioritize, lateness, poor time-management and feel overwhelmed, you may have adult ADD. Learn specific solutions to cope at work with "ADD at Work" downloadable audio and notes. Click here for more details.

About Dale:

Dale Kurow, M.S. is an author and a career and executive coach in NYC. She works with clients across the U.S. and internationally, helping them to become better managers, figure out their next career moves and thrive despite office politics. Click here for more information about her services.

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Graphic Designer David Moorhead